Do not be surprised if you are being referred to as an athlete, even if you have never been on a track, because you are already on a track which is LIFE and you are an athlete running a race which is life itself. If you haven’t read the part one of “Athletic Life” please take a pause and go do that now and then come back to read this when you are done. It’s the latest post before this. So moving on, another kind of race that illustrates life as a race is the short distance races (100, 200 and probably 400). These kinds of races are quite different from marathon. The way a short distance runner trains is different from the ways a long distance runner trains, the rules guiding them are different, so they don’t try to compete or copy each other but they understand their race and run it as it should be run. You and your friend may have the same kind of aspiration or dream and your friend achieves his in less than a year while you achieve yours in two years. ...